Suita cu un dormitor are o priveliște splendidă. De aici poți vedea atât Crucea de pe vârful Caraiman, Munții Baiului, cât și o parte din vechiul cartier de vile Furnica.
De aceea este și cea mai căutată cameră la ARIZTO.
Suita este compusă dintr-un dormitor, o cameră de zi cu ferestre pe trei laturi și o baie.
Alexandru, RO:
Will definitely come back!
We stayed in room number 3. This room has everything – it is clean, spacious, great taste in furniture, an amazing area where you can rest and read a nice book have the perfect view in the morning! One of our best stays in Sinaia! The host was so kind and helpful! Ready to accommodate all our requests. The breakfast was absolutely gorgeous, we couldn’t ask for more! So, thank you Arizto for making our stay comfortable and pleasant! We will come back!
februarie 2020
6 thoughts on “Magnifique View for Two – suită cu un dormitor”
Am avut inspiratia sa alegem pentru 3 zile de relaxare vila Arizto din Sinaia, o vila cu aer aristocratic, care pastreaza parfumul anilor trecuti peste ea.
Sentimentul pe care l-am incercat este ca timpul a pastrat neatinse valorile, in sensul ca bunul gust si respectul fata de oaspeti a fost si este pe primul loc.
Serviciile sunt ireprosabile, vom reveni negresit! Multumim gazdelor pentru daruirea si bucuria cu care ne-au intampinat!
Doamna si domnule Bara,
Va multumim pentru ati ales sa va petreceti cele trei zile de vacanta la noi. Noua ne-a facut mare placere sa va gazduim si ne bucuram ca am reusit sa ne indeplinim misiune de a va facem sa aveti o sedere placuta.
Oricand doriti, sunteti mai mult decat bineveniti.
After 18 months under Covid rules across the ocean, Vila Arizto was the perfect choice for a much needed vacation. We visited a few years ago and the wonderful memories brought us back. This time we stayed in the suite for two, a perfect retreat of calm and comfort, extra clean throughout. The small salon with windows all around allows for magnificent views of the mountains, a real bonus any time of day.
The impeccable service, the hosts, the breakfast, all of highest standard. Thank you so much for making us feel welcome and taking care of us during our stay, and thank you for the wonderful memories we will cherish for years to come.
Thank you very much indeed for taking your time to write such nice comments, Ms. and Mr. Cira.
It was our pleasure to host you again at ARIZTO, as we all enjoy having positive, easy going and kind guests as yourselves.
Being for the second time that you stayed with us, we took it as real compliment for which we want to thank you again.
Never the less I would like to thank you for the interesting and agreeable chats.
We spent 3 nights in this historic villa and we enjoyed everything. It was clean, warm and comfortable. The polyglot owners were very friendly and the breakfast was extremely good. It was a great experience!
Thank you very much indeed for your kind comment, Ms. Gabriela. We were all glad to host you at ARIZTO, because we are always pleased to have guests as kind, easy-going and friendly as yourselves. I personaly enjoyed alot the small chats we had.
Thank you again for choosing us for your short say in Sinaia and you are very welcome to us whenever you will be again around.